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Friday, February 10, 2012

Healthy Diet Plans for Healthy Weight Loss

With so many different diet plans available these days, it can be a difficult process choosing healthy diet plans for healthy weight loss. Everyone has different health and nutritional needs so each diet plan should be customized to meet each individual's specific needs.

Some people are able to lose weight quickly and easily by following a healthy diet and exercise plan. Many others, on the other hand, may need to take supplements along with a well-balanced diet and exercise plan in order to achieve healthy weight loss.

A healthy diet plan for healthy weight loss can be achieved by following a few simple guidelines.

  • Include a wide variety of foods from the food guide pyramid such as lean meat, whole-grain bread and cereals, low-fat milk and dairy products, and plenty of fruit and vegetables in your daily diet
  • Include your favorite foods
  • Eat smaller portions
  • Drink plenty of water every day
  • Snack on healthy foods by making better food choices
  • Avoid foods high in fat and saturated fat
  • Consume foods high in protein
  • Eat fats low in sugar and cholesterol
  • Exercise regularly
  • Seek support from friends and family members
  • Set realistic goals for yourself
  • Take a weight loss supplement for faster results

The key to successful weight loss is moderation and commitment. For long-term weight management to be successful, you need to focus on your general health and not just what you eat and how many pounds you lose. By doing so, you can mold your body and lifestyle into the shape you desire in a safe and healthy manner.

Many people cringe at the idea of diet and exercise when in reality diet refers to consuming healthy, low-calorie meals regularly, and exercise just means being more physically active. Being physically active is essential to losing weight because it helps you to burn more calories than you take in. Some everyday forms of physical activity (other than exercising) that can help burn calories include:

  • House cleaning
  • Gardening
  • Shopping
  • Walking
  • Sleeping

Weight loss supplements combined with proper nutrition, daily physical activity, and making healthy lifestyle choices not only aid in faster weight loss, but it can help you reach your weight loss goals easier by suppressing your appetite, increasing your energy and metabolism.

It is always wise to consult with your physician regarding healthy diet plans for healthy weight loss. Your doctor can also give you more information on which weight loss supplement may be best to fit your needs and lifestyle as they relate to your overall health.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Guidelines for a Healthy Diet

The following guidelines are suggested for people who want to improve their diets. Many of the diseases that occur as we grow older such as Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol,  can be prevented or modified by a lifestyle that includes good nutrition and daily exercise.

  1. Eat a variety of foods.  The best way to assure a variety is to select foods each day from the Four Food Groups -- the Meat Group, the Milk Group, the Fruit and Vegetable Group, and the Bread Group. You will not need to take a vitamin or mineral supplement if you eat a wide variety of foods.
  2. Maintain ideal body weight.  Being overweight increases your chances of developing some chronic disorder, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease. If you need to lose weight, a reduction in calories and an increase in activity is recommended. Long-term success is achieved through a gradual change in lifestyle that includes better eating habits and regular exercise.
  3. Avoid too much fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.  Diets that contain large amounts of fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol have been linked to a greater risk of heart disease. To decrease the amount of fat you eat, avoid fried foods, fatty meats, whole milk, and whole milk dairy products, and limit the use of butter, cream, gravies, and shortenings. Use instead lean meats, fish, poultry, and low-fat milk and dairy products. Decrease your cholesterol intake by limiting eggs and organ meats (such as liver) to 3-4 times a week.
  4. Eat more complex carbohydrate foods and fiber.  Complex carbohydrates and fiber are found in vegetables, grains, and fruits. Increase the use of foods such as whole grain cereals and breads, as well as a variety of fruits and vegetables.
  5. Avoid excess sugar.  Limit sugar of all kinds (white, brown, honey) and high sugar foods such as jelly, syrup, candy, gum, cookies, cake, doughnuts, sweetened beverages, surgary cereals, and ice cream.
  6. Avoid excess salt.  Cut back on the amount of table salt you use. Use other salt-free spices and herbs instead. Limit the amount of salty foods eaten: pretzels, chips, nuts, canned soups, luncheon meats, hot dogs, pickles, and soy sauce.
  7. If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation.  Limit consumption to one or two drinks a day to avoid the health risks associated with excessive alcohol use.